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EJC 2023

In this 41th edition of the Joliot Curie International School, entitled "Beyond the Standard Model of Weak Interaction : nuclei, neutrons and neutrinos", we will cover the exciting field of ultra-high precision experiments dedicated to probe new physics beyond the Standard Model using nucleus and neutron beta decay and ββ0ν decay.

Common fundamental theoretical courses and experimental courses pertaining to each of the three fields will be given, taking special care in highlighting the links and differences between the different approaches in these three fields.

This year's speakers are :


  • Adam Falkowski
  • Muriel Fallot
  • Martin Gonzalez-Alonso
  • Guillaume Pignol 
  • Nathal Severijns
  • Torsten Soldner
  • Cristina Volpe
  • Anastasia Zolotarova

The students will present their work during two poster sessions at the beginning of the week.

The school will take place from September 17 (Sunday) to 22 (Friday) 2023 at Saint-Pierre d'Oléron (France).

EJC2023 is an event supported by CNRS, CEA, P2I Graduate School and IN2P3.


Important dates

September 17-22, 2023 



Pre-registration here.

Deadline May 31st 2023 extended to June 16th 2023 ! Now closed...




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